
Are you like many Christians who are hesitant to pray out loud in front of others. Some fear embarrassment of not praying “right.”

 It is common to become a Christian and not know how to pray, even privately. At least we may think we do not know how to pray. Sometimes we feel this way because there are others who pray in ways that are more about impressing others than it is about expressing their hearts to God. We think, wow! I can't pray like them. (Maybe that is a good thing)

We probably agree there is nothing too big nor too small to pray about.

We may agree that it is better to pray about something, than to bulldoze forward without consulting God.

But do we realize that there are instructions and examples in scripture that we should learn from how to pray?

Most of us know that Jesus taught His disciples to pray to the Father, “Thy will be done.” But we sometimes fail to connect the idea of praying “Thy will be done” with the clear expressions of God's will in the Bible.

The will of God's is specifically stated in the Bible. Would it not be good for us to pray for the things that are said to be God's will? God's will is associated to the spiritual priorities of God in the world, in our lives and in the lives of other people

 Colossians 1:9-12 shows ways we should pray for people that reflects God's spiritual priorities. And God's spiritual priorities should be our priorities as well.


Yes No – Do you tell people you will pray for them?

Yes No – Do you actually pray for the people who you say you will?

Which best describes how you pray for the needs of people?
a. 100% physical/material
b. 75% physical/material
c. 50% physical/material – 50% Spiritual
d. 25% physical/material – 75% Spiritual
e. 100% spiritual

As you read Colossians 1:9-12, which of the above best represent how he prayed for the believers at Colossae?

Why do you think there is a difference between your prayer and his?

Describe how to pray for unbelievers.

Is this the same or different than how to pray for believers.

We should pray God's _______________ __________________ to be accomplished in the life of believers.

List and explain 6 ways we should pray for this.

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